
when do you find out sex of baby

When can I find out my babe'due south sex?

Finding out your baby's sex is one of the well-nigh exciting steps in your pregnancy journey. And newer technologies hateful you can notice out as early as eleven weeks.

Back in our grandparents' days, the sexual activity of every baby was a surprise. Simply with the increasing use of ultrasounds in the 1980s, expectant mums and dads had the opportunity to encounter their babies on a scan (admittedly a far grainier paradigm than we're used to present).

Ultrasound is still incredibly common – and used for a multitude of reasons other than finding out the sex – but there is also a newer, very authentic and condom method on the market known equally the Non-Invasive Prenatal Examination (NIPT). And information technology allows for the big gender reveal much sooner.

When can I find out the sex activity with ultrasound?

An ultrasound is an image created by high frequency audio waves to see your baby in the womb. It's prophylactic, non-invasive and painless. Find out more .

You can normally find out the sex as early on as 16 weeks. Yous may not have a scan at this bespeak so many parents find out at the routine 18- to 20-week anatomy scan; however, whether or not information technology is a successful chore depends on a few factors. Firstly, when the baby's genitals are visible to the sonographer and secondly, if they are in a favourable position. Sometimes the baby might be crossing their legs, they're in a item position and unwilling to move, or they could even be asleep. It may as well depend on factors to do with the mother, including excess weight and the corporeality of amniotic fluid.

Newer methods: Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)

This simple claret test can be conducted from x weeks' gestation, although the ideal fourth dimension is between 11 and thirteen weeks. There are several companies that analyse the results, then yous may be more familiar with their brand names, Generation or Harmony. The NIPT accesses the baby's genetic textile that is circulating naturally in the mother'south claret and looks for chromosomal abnormalities. Specifically:

  • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
  • Trisomy xviii (Edwards syndrome)
  • Trisomy thirteen (Patau syndrome).

A bonus of the NIPT is that it tin can also look for the XY (male) or Twenty (female person) chromosomes, if you opt in for this. The result is 99 per cent accurate; however, sometimes the test fails because there may non be enough concentration of the babe's Deoxyribonucleic acid yet and sometimes there are maternal factors such as obesity, infection or inflammation. The NIPT can't be used for twin pregnancies. Detect out more .

Old wives' tales well-nigh sex

You cannot tell the sex from:

  • The way you are carrying
  • The baby's heart charge per unit
  • What foods yous are craving
  • Swinging your nuptials ring over your breadbasket
  • If y'all're suffering morning sickness
  • Whether y'all're generally in a good or bad mood
  • Chinese sexual activity-prediction charts
  • Whether y'all take acne or headaches
  • Your weight proceeds.

These may exist fun ways to guess the sex, simply the near accurate way to discover out is with an ultrasound or the NIPT. It volition exist worth the await.

Dr Stas Vashevnik is a private obstetrician and gynaecologist at Glengarry Individual Hospital in Perth'due south northern suburbs. He has a dandy interest in complex deliveries and helping women with recurrent miscarriage. Contact his rooms on (08) 9246 1166 or


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