
Astrology Guide: Sun, Moon & Rise Signs

Terminal summer I got an astrology volume and had so much fun learning more about sun, moon and rise signs. I accept done a podcast episode on this topic and every few weeks I read the zodiac for that calendar month in my podcast episodes. Since I become questions all the time about what book I use and how to notice your sun, moon and rising sign, I wanted to make a quick guide for how to find yours and what they all hateful.

The book I utilize is called The Bedside Astrologer by Cosmopolitan. I similar it because its non too technical and its super pretty inside! Information technology also lays everything out really well so its easier to understand. Astrology can become pretty intricate and complicated, and I honestly only actually pay attending to my sun, moon & rising sign. Still, the book does go more in depth into houses, degrees, planets etc if you are interested in learning more than!

To make it easy for those of yous coming from my podcast, here is some info on dominicus, moon & rising signs as well equally a few photos of the charts from the book so you lot tin find yours.

Lord's day Sign:

Your sun sign is what zodiac sign you read when you look upwards your horoscope. The sunday sign provides insight into who you are at your cadre,  and your natural gifts and abilities.

♈️ Aries (March 21 – Apr nineteen)

♉️ Taurus (April xx – May twenty)

♊️ Gemini (May 21 – June twenty)

♋️ Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

♌️ Leo (July 23 – August 22)

♍️ Virgo (Baronial 23 – September 22)

♎️ Libra (September 23 – October 22)

♏️ Scorpio (October 23 – Nov 21)

♐️ Sagittarius (November 22 – Dec 21)

♑️ Capricorn (December 22 – January xix)

♒️ Aquarius (Jan 20 – February 18)

♓️ Pisces (February xix – March 20)

Moon Sign:

Your moon sign indicates your emotional nature and deepest needs. How yous exercise or don't limited your emotions, as well equally how you deal with your  emotions. You need your nascency mean solar day month and year to detect your moon sign. Hither I included photos of moon sign charts for the years 1988 – 2004. If your birthday is before 1988 or after 2004, you tin only look upwards moon sign reckoner on google and plug in your altogether!

To utilize the chart: if you birthday is February 18, 1994 you would get to that year, then go to the February cavalcade and detect xviii. Therefore, your moon sign would exist Gemini. If your birthday is Apr two, 1988 your moon sign would be Libra.

Rising Sign:

You rising sign (also chosen the Ascendant sign) indicates your outer personality- how you present yourself or announced to others- equally well as the skills and techniques you use to get what yous need. Nosotros often embody the traits of our rising sign to as we get about our daily lives. You demand your birth day month besides as thefourth dimension yous were born to find your ascent sign.

Here I have included the rising sign charts. For example, if your altogether was January xvi and you were born at iii:04 pm, you would go to the January row, second column and at iii:04 your rise sign would be Gemini. If your birthday was June iv and you were born at 7:15 am, your ascent sign would be Cancer.

And so there you lot accept it! I hope that was interesting to you and again, astrology goes way more in depth than this and there can exist many other elements to your nascency chart that are more complicated to understand. Its still fun to await up your signs and see how relatable y'all find them! If anyone was curious, I am a Virgo dominicus, Taurus moon, Scorpio ascent!